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Suggest a ResourceThis is your resource!

We have provided links to a limited number of useful documents and websites below; but we want you to help us expand and develop the resource.

If you would like to suggest a document or useful link (e.g. to a website), please contact us and let us know; we’ll always respond and will do our best to include your suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you.

Working Together Word / PDF Documents

Filetype: .pdf

Working Together to Safeguard Children 2013
Full PDF Version (942 kb) 

Filetype: .pdf

Working Together 2013 - Equality Analysis Safeguarding Statutory Guidance
Full PDF Version (391 kb) 

Filetype: .pdf

Archived - Working Together to Safeguard Children 2010
Full PDF Version (2.50 MB) 


Resources powered by tri.x

Filetype: website

London Child Protection Procedures

Filetype: website

NICE Guide: When to Suspect Child Maltreatment


Other useful web resources

NOTE: This link was recommended by a Dental Professional in West Sussex, if you would like to suggest additional resources please tell us.

Filetype: website

Child Protection and the Dental Team

Regulations and Publications

NOTE: If you would like to suggest an addition to this list of resources (e.g. a link to legislation, guidance or a useful publication) please tell us.

Filetype: website

Children Act 1989

Filetype: website

The Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003

Filetype: website

Children Act 2004

Filetype: website

Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006

Filetype: website

Children and Young Persons Act 2008

Filetype: .pdf

Child Trafficking Strategic Threat Assessment (9.24 MB)

Filetype: .pdf

Case Management and Outcomes for Neglected Children Returned to Their Parents: A Five Year Follow Up Study – DCSF (103kb)

Filetype: .pdf

Complex Child Abuse Investigations: Inter-Agency Issues (119 kb)

Filetype: website

Data Protection Act 1998

Filetype: website

Education Act 2002

Filetype: website

Framework for the Assessment of Children & Families

Filetype: website

Freedom of Information Act 2000

Filetype: website

Home Office Circular 10/2004 (Female Genital Mutilation  (119 kb)

Filetype: website

Information Sharing

Filetype: website

What to do if you’re worried a child is being abused (March 2015)

Filetype: .pdf

Learning Lessons from Serious Case Reviews 2009-10 (Ofsted) (442 kb)

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Local Authority Social Services Letter LASSL (2004)4 (Female Genital Mutilation) (28 kb)

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Safeguarding Children from Abuse Linked to a Belief in Spirit Possession (224 kb)

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Safeguarding children and young people who may be affected by gang activity (1.30 MB)

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Safeguarding Children in whom illness is fabricated or induced (220 kb)

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Safeguarding Children Who May Have Been Trafficked (324 kb)

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Safeguarding Disabled Children – Practice Guidance (475 kb)

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Safeguarding Young People from Sexual Exploitation (2 MB)

Filetype: website

Sexual Offences Act 2003

Filetype: .pdf

The Right to Choose: Forced Marriages (2008) (812 kb)

Filetype: .pdf

Vision for services for children and young people affected by domestic violence (ADCS/LGA/CAFCASS/WA) (392 kb)



If you would like to suggest a document or useful link (e.g. to a website), please contact us and let us know; we’ll always respond and will do our best to include your suggestions. We look forward to hearing from you.