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Appendix C: Further sources of information

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Supplementary guidance on particular safeguarding issues

Department for Education guidance

Safeguarding children who may have been trafficked

Safeguarding children and young people who may have been affected by gang activity

Safeguarding children from female genital mutilation

Forced marriage

Safeguarding children from abuse linked to faith or belief

Radicalisation - Prevent strategy

Radicalisation - Channel guidance

Use of reasonable force in schools

Safeguarding children and young people from sexual exploitation

Safeguarding Children in whom illness is fabricated or induced

Preventing and tackling bullying

Safeguarding children and safer recruitment in education

Information sharing: advice for practictioners

Keeping children safe in education

Safeguarding Disabled Children: Practice guidance

Department of Health / Department for Education: National Service Framework for Children, Young People and Maternity Services

What to do if you're worried a child is being abused: advice for practitioners

Guidance issued by other government departments and agencies

Foreign and Commonwealth Office / Home Office: Forced marriage

Ministry of Justice: Guidance on forced marriage

Home Office: What is domestic violence?

Department of Health: Responding to domestic abuse: A handbook for health  professionals

Public Health England: Supporting information for developing local joint protocols  between drug and alcohol partnerships and children and family services

Home Office: Guidance on teenage relationship abuse

Home Office: Guidance on offences against children

Department of Health: Violence against Women and Children

Arrangements to Safeguard and Promote Children’s Welfare (original title “Every Child Matters” statutory guidance to the UK Border Agency under s.55 of the Borders, Citizenship and Immigration Act 2009)

Department of Health: Good practice guidance on working with parents with a learning  disability

Home Office: Circular 16/2005 - Guidance on offences against children

Home Office: Disclosure and Barring Services

Child protection and the Dental Team – an introduction to safeguarding children in dental  practice

Ministry of Justice: Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements guidance

Ministry of Justice: HM Prison Service Public Protection Manual

Ministry of Justice: Probation service guidance on conducting serious further offence reviews Framework

Home Office: Missing Children and Adults - A Cross Government Strategy

Department of Health: Recognised, valued and supported: next steps for the Carers  Strategy November 2010

Department of Health: Carers Strategy: Second National Action Plan 2014-2016

Ministry of Justice: Achieving Best Evidence in Criminal Proceedings: Guidance on  interviewing victims and witnesses, and guidance on using special measures

Department of Health: Mental Health Act 1983 Code of Practice: Guidance on the visiting  of psychiatric patients by children

Guidance issued by external organisations

BAAF: Private fostering

Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health: Safeguarding children and young people:  roles and competences for health care staff - Intercollegiate document, March 2014

General Medical Council: Protecting children and young people - The responsibilities of  all doctors

Royal College of General Practitioners: Safeguarding Children and Young People: The  RCGP/NSPCC Safeguarding Children Toolkit for General Practice

Royal College of Nursing: Looked after children - Knowledge, skills and competences of  health care staff (Intercollegiate role framework)

NICE: Guidance on when to suspect child maltreatment

Supplementary guidance to support assessing the needs of children

DfE: Childhood neglect - Improving outcomes for children

NICE: Guidance on when to suspect child maltreatment

Supplementary guidance to support the Learning and Improvement Framework

NPIA / ACPO: Guidance on Investigating Child Abuse and Safeguarding Children

Prison and Probation Ombudsman’s fatal incidents investigation

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